The Story of Haden DeRoberts

Leukemia Facts
Below are documents that I created that show some facts about Leukemia. All of the facts below are derived from trustworthy and credible sources.
By: Will S.

"Cancer Research UK." 2002. 5 May. 2014 <http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/>
"Childhood Leukemia Foundation - Support and Programs" 2011. 5 May. 2014
"Leukemia - SEER Stat Fact Sheets - National Cancer Institute." 2005. 5 May. 2014
"Leukemia-Topic Overview - WebMD." 2007. 5 May. 2014
"What are the key statistics for childhood leukemia?." 2011. 5 May. 2014
"Cancer Research UK." 2002. 5 May. 2014 <http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/>
I decided to make a presentation about kids and leukemia because I wanted to share how it can have a huge impact on younger people. The presentation provides quick facts for viewers from symptoms to how it touches the lives of loved ones. The Prezi also gives a unique way to share the information. Work cited within the presentation.